Friday 10 March 2017

Think Twice Trailer Feedback

Music and Voice overs

Whilst creating my trailer for Think Twice, I came across audio problems from certain clips,  like the screenshot features below with the taxi scene. To overcome this, I had to get my actors back and re recorder what they said in time with the clips, using a SnowFlake Recording device. This made the speech more clear and dramatic against the music I chose. With having the audio detached from the clip, I was also able to place separate shots over the audio, as well as the original clip where the actor is talking, to create more dimension.

Below is a screenshot of the point in my trailer where the music changes, which is after the inserted black background. I added a different type of music so that my trailer goes more upbeat and dramatic, as the continous piano soundtrack wasn't creating that element of tension that I need for my trailer to really have that thriller affect.

Monday 6 March 2017


When researching the rating screen for the start of my movie trailer, I found that the appropriate one for my trailer would be the red one, as it will fit more with my genre of Psychological Thriller, as that will tell the audience about that potential graphic content and adult themes in my trailer, which is correct for my target audience which is above 18 years of age. I then created my own one: 
I used my company name in the rating screen instead of the one used on the above, and I changed the web address

Final Magazine Drafts

Additional Final Magazine covers improved:


After getting teacher feedback, I had to make improvements to my magazine cover in terms of font and colour scheme.  Below are my two finale magazine covers. The masthead has been changed to a font called lemon milk, as it makes it stand out more and is more conventional for a magazine cover. The colour has also changed, as my magazine needed a brighter colour to stand out against the black and white image, that would also go with the light blue and yellow. I have also moved the layout around, to make it look more professional.