Wednesday 19 October 2016

Here is a quick outline of our trailer idea. We sectioned them into a sequence using numbers to indicate what scene they are.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Logo Drafts

Here are logos I made using Sketch. 
Sketch is a software on the IMacs. It was a new piece of software to me, and so using it was confusing, but after I got the hang of it I managed to create a logo and then develop it. I created this one by using a rectangle, and changing its colour. I then added a gaussian blur, which gives it the blurry effect, which I thought was relevant to media due to it looking like a quick motion that you'd see in movies. I then added the company name for my group, which is Krin. I added that in the same colour as the blur, as I wanted it to match as that makes it look more simplistic and professional. I trie did with a gold, blue and purple as I think those colours look the best with my genre. 

I took inspiration from the Warner Bros logo with the cloud logo. I added three triangles as I wanted to create a symbol that could go above the writing. I chose three triangles because it matches my narrative idea with the three characters. I changed the Productions to Kompany (with a K to create alliteration with the Krin) as I wanted to see what our company logo would look like with a different title. I used grey writing as I wanted it to look moody and miserable as it suits my genre, and also because it went well with the background image. Above that is another logo, I inserted an image of rain on a black background, as a black background would be easier to insert into my trailer to keep it looking finished. The writing is a light blue with low opacity, as I didn't want the writing to be too bold. I spaced the characters of the Krin to be as long as the line underneath it, and it would look more in balance with the productions. This even look makes the logo look more professional in my view, and is something that would suit our movie trailer. 

The top row of logos on the bottom image are created using sketch resources only. Shapes were added into the document, and the writing of the company logo was put over it. The dark colours were used to fit in with the genre of psychological thriller. 

Friday 14 October 2016

Here are a group of movie logo's for companies in the industry. I have made this mood board to gather inspiration from them for my company. What a logo symbolises to an audience who is about to watch a movie is the budget of that company, and so the audience can gather whether or not they should be expecting the best quality. This for movie companies like Summit Entertainment, Castle Rock Entertainment, Warner Bros and Disney. Including the movie companies logo into a movie can also entice an audience to watch the movie if they know they have made successful ones in the past, as then they have a reputation. It can also indictate towards the genre that movie, as companies like Summit Entertainment work mainly with Thriller and Fantasy movies, like the Twilight Saga, Divergent Series, Memento and John Wick. Where as companies like Dream Works make more family friendly movies, as so that will attract a different audience. The logos I have gathered for the mood board are ones that I find the most inspiring and attractive for my company logo. They all follow a colour scheme of containing black and white, which is what I want considering I am doing a Psychological Thriller movie, and so that will be the most attractive and relevant to that genre. 

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Think Twice


  • Spencer (victim)- 26 year old woman, pretty, friendly, hard working, reliable, reserved, she is the victim in the story, she works in a officer for her father, she lives in a small neighbourhood with her husband. Medium Height, brown eyes, Blue eyes 
  • Patrick (protagonist)- 34 year old man,occuopation: writer, mysterious, twisted, puts on a good front, intelligent. villain of the story, married to spencer, works at home mostly, . he is tall with light brown hair and blue eyes.
  • Detective Lopez- Clever, educated, serious, takes her job very seriously, but sometimes pushes the line with her ideas, she is medium height, long dark brown, brown eyes.

    Location: The neighbourhood where the main scene is going to be set is a house where the couple live. The shopping market is going to be a scene where the couple meet, so it will be included in the trailer. The problems and horror will be caused mainly in the attic, because spencer is going to be kidnapped and tortured in there.

    Act 1- Equilibrium
    The narrative starts with Spencer. She wakes up in darkness, she tries to sit up but her head feels dizzy and she feels weak. She realises she has been tied up, and in a panic she begins pulling at the ropes trying to get them off. She tries to scream but her voice isn’t heard as she has her mouth covered in duct tape. She thinks to herself ‘how did I get up here?’ and ‘why am I up here?’. She starts weeping and looking around nervously, she lies down and at that moment a sequence of flashbacks begin. It shows Patrik and Spencer, who have  been married for a year, after meeting in a supermarket five years ago. The flashbacks include memories the couple have, the audience will see them on dates, camping trips, buying their first house, getting married etc. It cuts from this to a desperate Patrik (time is the same), who is sitting in his  dining room with Detective Lopez of the police inquiring about his missing wife. The Detective clearly notices that Patrik is in distress over his missing wife, and asks him for details about the last time he saw her. Patrik tells her that she went out saturday night for her best friends birthday, Sally. She told him that she would be returning sometime around monday morning as they are spending the weekend together. By Monday evening, Patrik came home to find that Spencer wasn't back. Patrick then called Sally and asked her when Spencer would be home, and Sally tells Patrik that Spencer already went home because she wasn't feeling well on Saturday night. Detective Lopez tells Patrik that it would be a good idea to go on the news and make an appeal to find his wife, as maybe Spencer would be more willing to come home if she sees how upset Patrik is without her. Detective Lopez then suggests that maybe she was kidnapped, and so he needs to address the kidnapper and plead to them to give Spencer back. The next day, Patrik makes his appeal live on BBC news from their living room, where he tells Spencer how much he loves her and how he wants her back. He says ‘I’m sorry, Spencer, please wherever you are I hope you hear that and that you know how much I love you. Please come back’.

    Act 2-
    Spencer wakes up from unconsciousness to a pounding ache at the side of her head. She moves suddenly to face the direction of the opening latch on the floor. She realises that she is in an attic. She hears creaks of a ladder and the thudding sounds of boots against it. A bright light comes blaring through the latch opening, as a shadowy figure appears carrying a torch light before her. As the figure starts approaching her slowly. She knows it is a man by the height and build of the figure, and she starts asking herself questions like “who is this?” and ‘What have I done?”. He takes the duct tape off her mouth,  she yells at him saying ‘Who are you?’, “What do you want from me?”. The figure doesn’t reply to her, instead it drops a plate by her with lasagne on it. She stares at the plate in confusion. She looks up at the figure, crying, and says “Please let me go”. Her voice is shaking, and the figure slaps her round the face, hauling her to the back wall of the attic. She starts screaming and crying, and the figure comes to her and places the duct tape back over her mouth. The figure then leaves the attic in a hurry, slamming the latch door behind him. Spencer is left weeping.
    This figure is seen in a pitch black room, alone. He then reaches into the pocket of his hoody, and pulls out Spencer's phone. He unlocks it with his finger print, as earlier he had used Spencer's to put his own one on. He starts searching her camera roll, her social media profiles, emails and texts messages. He clicks on Sally’s name and scrolls up the texts messages, revealing a conversation about him and Spencer. Sally’s texts read  ‘have you finished with him?’ ‘is it over?’ ‘did it end badly?, you know you can talk to me’. He then presses on messages from a college friend called ‘Jason’. He reads through the messages, and then clicks on patriks name and reads those messages, as if they are being compared. He then looks through the camera roll again, focusing solely on the pictures of Spencer and Patrik. He zooms in on their faces, taking a long look.
    Detective Lopez is in her office at the police station, and is trying to find an answer as to where Spencer went from the saturday night to the sunday morning as that is when she disappeared. Lopez visits Sally and asks her where they went for her birthday, and Sally tells her it was a local club in town called ‘Terrifix’. Lopez decides to take action and searches  the address of the nightclub, and rushes out of her office telling her assistant to cancel all of her morning meetings because she’s got a lead. She arrives at the nightclub that Spencer went to with her friends. When she gets there, the nightclub is closed, and so she bangs on the door loudly yelling up that it’s the police. Eventually, a man comes to the door and opens it, asking her what she wants. Lopez  shows the owner an image of Spencer and it takes him a moment to recognise her face. He tells Lopez that she was here with a hot blonde (sally),but he doesn’t know what happened to her after clubbing. He tells Lopez that she needs to ask, George, the bouncer working that night, as he might’ve seen where he was. The owner then takes Lopez to the back of the club, where a group of guys are sat round a table playing poker. The owner calls out to George and tells him that it’s the detective who wants to see him. George is tall and bald, and approaches Lopez slowly. Lopez asks if he remembers Spencer, and shows him the picture. He tells her that she left alone in a taxi. Lopez asks for the taxi name, and George says yes because it is the taxi’s that always come to the nightclub called Starr Carz and the driver was Craig. Lopez thanks the bouncer and the owner and tells them that if they hear anything about Spencer, to call her immediately. Lopez makes her way to the taxi company, hoping to find out more information about where spencer is. Lopez arrives at Starr Carz, and approaches a man in a shirt and trousers. She asks him is he owns Starr Carz and if he knows anyone named Craig. He says ‘Oh yeah I know him, the scoundrel, but he’s not here right now’. Lopez asks him what he means by scoundrel, and the driver tells her that he’s just a bit weird sometimes. Lopez asks him when he’ll be back, and he tells her he just went on a quick drop. He tells her to come back later. Lopez goes back to her office and starts researching Craig and finds out that he has a record of stalking women and being weird, this creates suspense and makes Lopez suspicious, thinking about what this taxi driver, Craig, could've done to Spencer.  Lopez comes back to taxi company and meets craig, staring at him suspiciously. The driver questions Lopez about what this is all about, and she tells him she’s a detective, to which the driver realises that he shouldn’t of said anything. Craig, quiet and giving one word replies, tell lopez that he dropped spencer off at her house.
    Moments pass and Lopez calls her office, telling her assistant to call for backup, at least 2 officers. When they arrive, she explains that she’s found a lead, and that the Taxi driver might have been the one keeping Spencer hostage. Craig arrives, and immediately flees the scene upon seeing Lopez. A chase ensues until Craig is caught in a dead end alley way, and he is arrested.
    Back at the station, Lopez and her second hand interrogate Craig. He told her the reason he ran is because he’s been in trouble lately, and he was scared. She tells him that she knows all about his criminal record. He knows that he stalked his ex girlfriend and attacked her new boyfriend, that he was found creeping outside of bars and hotels watching women. Lopez tells him that he better have a good story and alibi because it’s not looking too good for him. that all she cares about is finding Spencer. Craig asks her who the hell spencer is, and she tells him he drove her home saturday night from the club Terrifix. Craig takes a moment and realises that he did, and tells her that all he knows is that she went home and nowhere else. Lopez tells him that can’t be true, because she never got home. Craig insists that she went home and that he has nothing to do with her disappearance.  Lopez leaves the room after more discussion, and heads over to the investigators. They are inspecting Craigs taxi and satnav to find any clues of a Spencer being there, and if there was a struggle. Lopez ponders, there is a rising suspicion with her that someone is lying, and heads over to Patrik. When she gets there, she asks Patrik if he lied about his wife, to which Patrik says no. Lopez tells him that Spencer did come home that night, and she has evidence for it. Patrik tells her she’s insane and that she was taken by somebody, maybe not the taxi driver but definitely someone. He tells her to go and talk to Sally because she’s ‘not the best example of a friend, she’s probably lying to you’.
    The next day, Lopez gets a call from the investigators, telling her that Craig did take Spencer in his taxi, and that there is no evidence of a struggle, her being drugged, or her being in there for long. However, the investigator tells her that he did find an earing in the taxi, and tells her that she should come get it to show Patrik, to see if he can identify it.  She calls Patrik to the police station, and when he sees the earring, there is a ghostly look on his face. He tells Lopez it was an anniversary present, and asks Lopez where she found it, and she tells him in the Taxi. Patrik gets angry and starts telling her that she needs to find his wife immediately, and that the animal who drove her away from that club is responsible. Lopez tells Patrik to go home and rest, as she has something else to do.
    Lopez goes to the office and finds Sally, and tells her she needs to speak to her urgently as she has some questions. She asks Sally why Spencer left so early when she said she was stopping the weekend. Sally tells her that ‘she doesn’t know, she had be tense all evening and was telling me she felt she had a fever, she left pretty early and it just’. Lopez asks her if there is anywhere she would have gone, and Sally tells her no. Lopez asks Sally if she is lying, and Sally tells her ‘I’m not lying to you. I know my best friend. Look...I didn’t want to say anything, but Spencer and Patrik haven’t had the perfect relationship that he is making it out to be. Yeah, now he is desperate and misses her because he knows he might of lost her forever, but either way, her disappearing or not, she was leaving him’. Lopez asks her if patrik knew this and why, and Sally tells her ‘I don’t think he did. I think she found someone else… well.. Got in touch with an old College boyfriend. Jason, I think’. Lopez asks Sally if she knows anything about Jason, but she doesn’t. Lopez goes back to her office and finds Jason, and that he works for a mechanic shop. When she calls up, they tell her that Jason has been in california for the past week and a half visiting relatives. Lopez puts down the phone and sighs, as now Jason can’t be seen as a suspect, unless Spencer ran off to california to be with him.
    Back at the station, lopez hears news of Craig’s statement, in which he tells how spencer was incredibly upset for the whole ride and was frantically looking at her phone, and back out the window. He told how Spencer got out the car in a hurry and ran to the house, and that a man was waiting at the door for her.
    Lopez goes to her boss and tells him that she thinks Patrik knows more than what he’s saying, but he says she has no evidence and so she can’t be blaming him.
    Lopez calls patrik and tells him that both the taxi driver is looking like a dead end, and in reply he tells her that her kidnapper is out there and that they need to be found.
    Lopez finds this curious, and decides to look into Patrik’s history. Nothing comes up on the system, and eventually Patrik calls her and tells her he needs to talk to her urgently, as he believes he has found a lead.

    Act 3-
    Detective Lopez goes to Patrik's house, and he opens the door in a hurry. They sit down in the living room opposite each other, he offers Lopez some coffee and she takes it, but doesn’t drink it. Patrik asks her what happened with the taxi driver, and she tells him that there wasn’t enough evidence against him and that he’s innocent. Patrik sighs, which confuses Lopez as he doesn’t seem distraught.  Patrik asks if Sally had anything sufficient about it, and Lopez tells him that she told her a few things, nothing important. They sit there in silence for a minute, and Patrik tells her that there is no way he’s going to give up on finding Spencer’s killer, even if they have to question everyone. Lopez stops for a second, and looks at Patrik dead on, as he looks at her with distant eyes. ‘Killer? No one said she was dead, Patrik.’ Lopez asks, and straight after, patrik starts giggling with eyes wide open. Lopez tries to stand up but he shouts at her to sit. ‘I really knew he’d mess up at some point you know. When i told him he had to be distraught and question everything and just miss his awful wife he seemed perfect, but as the days went on...oh that was a different story entirely. He got shaky, tried telling me to stop, but why should I? She had it coming, trying to leave us for that trashy college ex, Jason. What could he possibly do for her that I couldn’t, mhm?’ Lopez stares at Patrik wide eyed, and asks him why he did it. He tells her that ‘I’m sick of Patrik, so Patrik isn’t here. You know, Patrik always told me there was something special about her, that we could trust her. He was wrong, he always is, he makes the mistake all the time. But, I will give him credit though, because she is smart. Heck, she knew on the second day it was us keeping her up there, with Patrik being a softy and all and feeding her her favourite dish. Idiot, she knew too much by then, the beatings, the no food, the no water just didn’t seem like enough justice for how she broke his heart. I wanted to protect him, he deserves better.’ Lopez sits for a moment, and asks him where Spencer is. Patrik’s other half, laughing and giggling, tells Lopez about how his mother was kept in an attic until she died, just like how Spencer is being kept. Lopez, knowing where Spencer is, jumps up and pulls out her gun, Patrik flips over the back of the sofa avoiding it, and crawls to the next room. Suddenly the lights start going out. He tries to attack lopez but before he can do so, she shoots him in the leg ,and he drops to the floor. Whilst laughing with a smirk on his face, he tells her that she is too late. Lopez runs upstairs, and the house is silent. She pulls down the ladder to the attic and climbs up. She enters the attic, welcomed by a rotting smell of blood. She uses her torch to look around and find blood marks and puddle all around, including tools and objects in which spencer was tortured with. She then looks in one corner and finds spencers dead body, damaged and corrupted by her husband, Patrik who had kept her and tortured her the whole time.She calls the police immediately and an ambulance to take the body of spencer. The investigators arrive and begins looking through the attic, finding a box, full of folders, books and papers. The folders had cut pieces of newspaper reports in, stating women gone missing, the newspaper article had highlighted text, connoting false information, as the mastermind behind the missings and murder was patrik./Eric all along. The audience come to know to know that patrik moves countries and cities regularly, and that he killed his mother in an attic but covered it up to make it look like a suicide and played victim. He did it because he blamed his mum for his parents divorce, as she cheated and broke the family apart. That is why Patrik created Eric in order to cope. Lopez now knows that this is why Patrik/Eric got so rational over Spencer, as he wanted a true woman, but when she started acting off, he panicked and locked her in the attic in hope of reforming her and her ways, but she didn’t.