Friday 27 January 2017

Intertitle Examples

I picked four different movies to look at their intertities for inspiration for my own trailer; Gone Girl, Split, Black Swan and The Machinist. For Gone Girl, I like how the name of the actor is put over a clip of him, as then you know directly who the actor is. I also like how the use of the black swan weathers under the inter titles for black swan, as it fits to the theme of the trailer and shows the importance of it. It also makes the trailer very unique as it is a personal aspect of the trailer that is not bound to be repeated in another. For Split, the inter titles are classically placed over a black background, used to make the writing stand out more and place full attention to it. For the Machinist, the intertitle with the actors name on is very small against the clip, which I find interesting as it doesn't make it the main importance in the clip, whereas with the other three the writing is. For my trailer, I will attempt these different approaches to showing information in my trailer. 

my go:

More intertitle research for credits and release dates

Mine for Think Twice:

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Movie Trailer: Edits

At the beginning of my trailer, I'm going to have a series of footage from patrik and spencer's marriage, to highlight how happy they were. To make it clear that it is footage, I have made a Rec green screen that I can place over the clips.

Friday 20 January 2017

Movie Trailer Inspiration

These are two of my favourite movie trailers from Bertie Gilbert. Bertie is a filmmaker, actor, director and writer for his short movies that he uploads to social media platforms like Youtube and Vimeo. I have found these trailers inspirational when it comes to planning how I will set my own trailer out, such as choice of music and what clips to put where. His trailers feature a really nice colour gradient throughout the clips, which create a real atmosphere for the movie along with the Mise-en-scene, such as 'Rocks That Bleed' having a red tint. This makes his clips blend and run smoothly, which is something I hope to achieve in my trailer. Bertie also asserts his characters clearly, as he keeps to a small set of main characters who do all the interacting. What this does for the audience is create a relationship with the characters, as they are able to keep up with them in such a short time and to see where they stand within the narrative.  What I also like about both the trailers is the use of the voice over atop of corresponding clips, as this makes the trailer look a lot neater, as well as mysterious as actual script from clips are not revealed. This has influenced me to film my three main characters doing voice overs that I can try to put over my clips in order to create the same effect. Bertie also places melodic music on top of clips that look a lot darker and profound than the sound. This creates a contrast and makes the trailer a lot more interesting, which is something I would like to try.

Tuesday 17 January 2017



The magazine drafts I have created here show my chosen colour scheme, but do little to tell the story of my narrative or genre to really entice my target audience. Therefore, I decided that the two main characters in the trailer, Patrik and Spencer, should be on the magazine together. I have gathered some inspiration for this:





Audience Feedback:

(first two images show what order the images were sent)