Friday 20 January 2017

Movie Trailer Inspiration

These are two of my favourite movie trailers from Bertie Gilbert. Bertie is a filmmaker, actor, director and writer for his short movies that he uploads to social media platforms like Youtube and Vimeo. I have found these trailers inspirational when it comes to planning how I will set my own trailer out, such as choice of music and what clips to put where. His trailers feature a really nice colour gradient throughout the clips, which create a real atmosphere for the movie along with the Mise-en-scene, such as 'Rocks That Bleed' having a red tint. This makes his clips blend and run smoothly, which is something I hope to achieve in my trailer. Bertie also asserts his characters clearly, as he keeps to a small set of main characters who do all the interacting. What this does for the audience is create a relationship with the characters, as they are able to keep up with them in such a short time and to see where they stand within the narrative.  What I also like about both the trailers is the use of the voice over atop of corresponding clips, as this makes the trailer look a lot neater, as well as mysterious as actual script from clips are not revealed. This has influenced me to film my three main characters doing voice overs that I can try to put over my clips in order to create the same effect. Bertie also places melodic music on top of clips that look a lot darker and profound than the sound. This creates a contrast and makes the trailer a lot more interesting, which is something I would like to try.

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