Tuesday 13 December 2016

Movie Magazine research

Image result for MOVIE MAGAZINEImage result for MOVIE MAGAZINEImage result for MOVIE MAGAZINEImage result for MOVIE MAGAZINEImage result for MOVIE MAGAZINE

I searched on Google Images for different movie magazines, just like I did at AS with music magazines, so that I can use them for inspiration. Some of the most well known ones would be Entertainment, Empire and Total Film. The reason why movie magazines like Empire are so well known is because of their recognisable bright red masthead, which makes them unique as they have always used that font style. The thing that these magazines all have in common are things like colour scheme, they use bright colours that stand out against the magazine, such as red, blue, white and yellow. By following their own individual colour scheme, it makes them both unique and professional, as it doesn't make the cover look messy. It also shows that they all belong to the same genre of magazine.  The actors featured on the magazines also use direct line, making it more appealing to the audience as it targets them. The writing on the magazine in coverlines and streamlines are all teasers for their target audience, as they want them to buy the magazine, in order to promote the movies. These can all inspire me with my own magazine, such as the Wizard cover with the masthead that bends over the actor, as that is interesting and shows that playing with text can be successful on the magazine. It also shows me what fonts are best for this genre of magazine, as well as colours, so then I can make my magazine look like those in that genre so that it fits in.

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