Wednesday 30 November 2016

Edited photos- Patrik

For the images of Patrik, I uploaded a few of my favourite images to edit as a practice for the print products. I put the images onto sketch, and double clicked on the image to get the option of magic wand. What I then did is delete the background off of the images by selecting it, as for my print products I am thinking of doing double exposure, especially for the poster, and so I will need the character of Patrik against a complete white background in order for that to work.

What I also did to the images was upload them to be funky, where I used blemish fix to create a smoother looking image, as normally within the media imperfections are removed to create a "better" looking image, as well as using the exposure tools to make the image brighter and add shadows to give it more depth. 

Just like I did with Patrik, I uploaded the photos of Lopez and Spencer onto Sketch and used the be funky tool to edit the pictures. I got rid of the background, which improved the quality of the images massively due to the black and white contrast of her clothing and background, which I think is also symbolic. By doing this, I can also see that the images are going to work well in a double exposure poster, because they represent her character massively through the case file and her facial expressions.

Revision Resource Mr. Love

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Photoshoot photos

Above are the images we took of Patrik for the print products. Out of 80 photos I chose the best ones to upload to my blog, as the rest were either blurry or not fitting for the cover. i did a range of shots, such as angles, body positions, facial expressions and hair placements to get a broader range of images to use.

Above are the images of Spencer that have been taken for the silhouette on the front cover for the double exposure. We took different angles just to have a range, as the image will make up the most part of the front cover.

We also took a range of photos of Detective Lopez, as she is one of the most important characters. We took photos of Lopez with the case files, as that shows her character more clearly and so that will spark interest in the audiences mind as they will be intrigued into the case.

Thursday 24 November 2016

Research and Planning table (Mr. Love)

Script for Movie Trailer

Script in shots

Shot 16: 'The question is for you Patrik, where is your wife?" - Newslady 
Shot 19: "Patrik, are you listening?' - Detective Lopez 
Shot 21: "Yes"- Patrik
Shot 22: "When did you last see your wife?"- Detective Lopez
Shot 23: "She was out Saturday night, she never came home"- Patrik
Shot 26: "I can't do this" -Spencer 
Shot 28: "Spencer left early in a taxi, she said she wasn't feeling well"- Sally 
Shot 35: "She's the kind of girl who attracts admirers" -Jason 
Shot 37: "I would never hurt my wife" -Patrik 
Shot 41: "She wasn't happy, she hasn't been for a while"
Shot 44-46: "He makes me feel like its easy to disappear" - Spencer 
Shot 49: "I don't know what to believe"- Patrik
Shot 52-55: "i am doing everything in my power to make this easy for you. Do you think I appreciate the lies?" - Detective Lopez
Shot 55-59: "I am not lying to you"- Patrik
60: "She went home I swear to you"- Craig 
62-64: "I just wanted her" -Jason 
66- "I don't trust him Lopez, he knows" -Sally 
68: "I know why you're doing this!"- Spencer 
69-73: "All of my evidence points to him, all my gut instincts point to him" - Detective Lopez 
75-77: "I have nothing to hide"-Patrik

Wednesday 23 November 2016

After realising the my original ideas for the movie poster wouldn't work or be suitable, I decided to research into other types of movie posters that I could use that would look more professional and appealing. I typed in one of my favourite movies and looked at the poster for that, which is The Lovely Bones. I really liked how the different colours blend in together and look faint yet bright. I also really like the idea of using double exposure, which is done on the main character of the movie, who is above the tree where she was kidnapped/murdered. This led me to looking at other movie posters with that effect on, to see if I could create my own version for my movie that would represent it correctly. I found these different movie posters through google images, and decided that I would like to try my own version to see if it would work. What I love the most about these movie posters is how they use double exposure, effects and lighting and still incorporate the narrative to inform the audience what the movie is going to be about. 

Below is a quick sketch of what the movie poster could potentially look like. 

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Survey: Draft Movie Posters for Think Twice

Create your own user feedback survey

I have created this survey to get feedback from my target audience so that I can pick a design and improve it.

Below is the audience feedback I got for my movie poster drafts. Although the responses are positive with a few improvements suggested, I have realised that I no longer like the ideas created. This is because I don't think it shows the genre of the movie well or the narrative, and it lacks creativity and skill and so it won't look appealing to my target audience or suggest to them that this movie is worth watching. Therefore, I am going to look into other movie posters, not just psychological thriller, but other genres to get a real feel and idea for what I could potentially do. 

Movie Posters Idea

I sketched out some ideas for the possible movie poster after looking at the examples in the collage. I took inspiration from the eyes and facial expressions mostly, and so I quickly planned two possible movie posters that I could draft and get feedback for off my audience. 

The first poster features the eyes of the main cast; Spencer, Patrik, Jason, Sally, Craig and Lopez. I did this because it looks slightly psyedicl when I imagine it, and so I hope it can look professional and unique to attract my target audience. The eyes will all be looking in different directions, which will just add to the element of mystery. The next poster idea will feature half face of the six main characters, showing their emotions. Their picture will explain their involvement in the movie by that one facial image, as that will put emphasis on their role and make it look more intriguing. 

Below are the movie posters drafted using sketch. 

I took a sample image off of google images of a pair of eyes, and quickly cropped them out and put them in a row like how I planned on the paper. In the real one, all the eyes will be different for each character, but for now I just practiced creating it on Sketch so that I can see what it will look like. I also added our final movie logo to the bottom, which stands out agains the black background. I used black against that as I wanted it to look harsh and very modern, as it reminds me of movie posters like Requiem for a Dream or The Hand That Rocks the Cradle. I also added the acting credits at the top of the poster, which is done on posters to show the audience who is acting in it. I haven't included all the slogans or dates or other credits yet because I was just drafting and practicing so that I can get feedback. Next to the eye one are similar posters, except for the background. I have cropped an image of a man six times to practice the poster, and put them next to each other to see how it would look. I put the title at the top and the credits at the bottom, just to mix things up from the last idea. I tried two different backgrounds because they both look professional and realistic, and both suit the psychological thriller genre as they conform to the colour scheme. I also made another eye poster, but this time I cropped the eyes out of the flesh. I did this because it looks more creepy and psychedelic against the white background, which I like  for our narrative as it is a creepy story. The final logo and acting credits appear on all the posters to make them look professional and well made. 
I also like these two ideas because they don't give a lot about the narrative away, as they are very open to interpretations.

Print Products: Movie Posters

We made a collage of different movie posters for the Psychological Thriller genre, as that is what our movie Think Twice will be. We chose a wide range of posters, such as from the poster for Side Effects to Inception, the colour scheme is completely different. The light colour on Side Effects could suggest a possible happy ended, or is done to show the characters faces more clearly as they all look concerned. However for Inception, the dark colour is done to show the movie is going to be suspenseful and edgy. This shows that for our movie poster, we need to think about the colour we are using for the majority of our poster and what we want to portray. We also got a lot of inspiration from the face that through the 'Before I Go To Sleep', 'Shutter Island' and 'Case 39', all posters add a lot of emphasis on face expressions, especially focusing on the wide eyes and eyebrows and what image that creates. For Shutter Island, it shows he is confused and weary, and Case 39 shows she is scared.  On the Before I Go To Sleep poster, all three characters are looking straight at the camera, and this directness shows the audience that the males are dangerous and a threat to the main woman who gives more emphasis of being worried. This has inspired us, as it gives us many ideas for our main poster with using eyes and facial expressions of one of the main character, or of all characters. 
All the posters also have similar fonts, as they are all bold and follow the colours of either white or red or black. These are common colours for Psychological Thriller, and so for our poster we will either have a colour like this or we will do something different just to make our poster stand out. The camera shots for the poster range from being close ups to long shots. 'Gone Girl' and 'Shutter Island' both use extreme long shots to show the main characters body language, which could be a good idea for our movie Think Twice. 

Friday 18 November 2016

SurveyMonkey: Movie Pitch Audience Feedback

Create your own user feedback survey

Below are some comments from Survey Monkey about our narrative. Overall it is generally positive feedback, saying our idea is 'good' or 'fab'. This shows us that we can continue developing our idea and creating it because our target audience will enjoy it. However, what the feedback does show is how we need to be clearer about certain points, such as the Taxi Firm and Craig. I understand why this is confusing, as there would obviously be a lot more investigating on Lopez' part to find the right taxi driver. What is also confusing is Patrik's motive to kill Spencer. I believed that it was enough motive to keep her in the attic, as he has his reasons from the past and mental illness, but maybe as our process goes on with creating Think Twice, we may come up with new ideas. 

Thursday 17 November 2016

Practice Shots

Here are a series of practice shots I got on a Friday night with the main character, Patrik. These shots will be included in my movie trailer, and so I took them from my planning and did the different camera angles to get a feel for what it will potentially look like. I took shots from behind Patrik as he was walking, and then infant. I did this to see what one I would prefer, and to get more of a range, doing the shots in low angles, high angles, medium shots etc. Although the shots went well and I'm happy with how they look, I am dissapointed with how the lighting turned out. I would have preferred for it to look a bit brighter and clearer, as in certain angles and shots, like the third, fourth and last image, they have an orange tinge over them that makes them look unprofessional and tacky. At the time I tried to tackle this by having a torch behind the camera, in hopes of brightening up the image, but it didn't have such a great affect. I then uploaded a clip from filming that I managed to get in-between photographing, of a tracking shot with Patrik. I then uploaded it to iMovie and used the tools to make the image clearer. Below is a screenshot from iMovie, and the two highlighted icons above the video is what I used to brighten the image. This worked well in enhancing the image and making it bright, whilst it is still obvious that filming was done at night. Below is a video I uploaded to youtube of the editing I did on the video, to show how the quality was improved. I will be using this technique for my movie trailer.

Final Missing Poster Feedback

Here are the two missing posters that I chose to send to my target audience for feedback. I did this because they were the most popular chosen ones on my last audience feedback, and so I wanted to know what one would look better with the image. I chose to include a white background one, as that is the most common form of missing poster, but also a black one because it looks more mysterious and horror-like.

I asked members from my target audience for their ideas on my final poster. They all suggested that the white background one was the best one to use in my media, and so that's the one I am going to use. I also took Georgia's advice to make the background of the image completely white, as she later suggests using a magic wand tool which I did on sketch. However, when I did it, I found that it just made the image look rather fake and not realistic, and so it looked tacky. I've inserted it below to show it, as I prefer the one with the coloured background as it looks like an actual photo that was taken of Spencer. Speaking of realistic, it is highly unlikely that when making the poster, Patrik would've sat there and deleted the background, as I'm sure he would have rushed an image just to get the posters up in the streets.

To conclude, my final missing poster will be the one with the white background.