Wednesday 30 November 2016

Edited photos- Patrik

For the images of Patrik, I uploaded a few of my favourite images to edit as a practice for the print products. I put the images onto sketch, and double clicked on the image to get the option of magic wand. What I then did is delete the background off of the images by selecting it, as for my print products I am thinking of doing double exposure, especially for the poster, and so I will need the character of Patrik against a complete white background in order for that to work.

What I also did to the images was upload them to be funky, where I used blemish fix to create a smoother looking image, as normally within the media imperfections are removed to create a "better" looking image, as well as using the exposure tools to make the image brighter and add shadows to give it more depth. 

Just like I did with Patrik, I uploaded the photos of Lopez and Spencer onto Sketch and used the be funky tool to edit the pictures. I got rid of the background, which improved the quality of the images massively due to the black and white contrast of her clothing and background, which I think is also symbolic. By doing this, I can also see that the images are going to work well in a double exposure poster, because they represent her character massively through the case file and her facial expressions.

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