Thursday 17 November 2016

Final Missing Poster Feedback

Here are the two missing posters that I chose to send to my target audience for feedback. I did this because they were the most popular chosen ones on my last audience feedback, and so I wanted to know what one would look better with the image. I chose to include a white background one, as that is the most common form of missing poster, but also a black one because it looks more mysterious and horror-like.

I asked members from my target audience for their ideas on my final poster. They all suggested that the white background one was the best one to use in my media, and so that's the one I am going to use. I also took Georgia's advice to make the background of the image completely white, as she later suggests using a magic wand tool which I did on sketch. However, when I did it, I found that it just made the image look rather fake and not realistic, and so it looked tacky. I've inserted it below to show it, as I prefer the one with the coloured background as it looks like an actual photo that was taken of Spencer. Speaking of realistic, it is highly unlikely that when making the poster, Patrik would've sat there and deleted the background, as I'm sure he would have rushed an image just to get the posters up in the streets.

To conclude, my final missing poster will be the one with the white background.

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