Thursday 17 November 2016

Practice Shots

Here are a series of practice shots I got on a Friday night with the main character, Patrik. These shots will be included in my movie trailer, and so I took them from my planning and did the different camera angles to get a feel for what it will potentially look like. I took shots from behind Patrik as he was walking, and then infant. I did this to see what one I would prefer, and to get more of a range, doing the shots in low angles, high angles, medium shots etc. Although the shots went well and I'm happy with how they look, I am dissapointed with how the lighting turned out. I would have preferred for it to look a bit brighter and clearer, as in certain angles and shots, like the third, fourth and last image, they have an orange tinge over them that makes them look unprofessional and tacky. At the time I tried to tackle this by having a torch behind the camera, in hopes of brightening up the image, but it didn't have such a great affect. I then uploaded a clip from filming that I managed to get in-between photographing, of a tracking shot with Patrik. I then uploaded it to iMovie and used the tools to make the image clearer. Below is a screenshot from iMovie, and the two highlighted icons above the video is what I used to brighten the image. This worked well in enhancing the image and making it bright, whilst it is still obvious that filming was done at night. Below is a video I uploaded to youtube of the editing I did on the video, to show how the quality was improved. I will be using this technique for my movie trailer.

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